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About Leah Morris


Hi, I'm Leah

Leah Morris - Owner of Mindfully Minimized a holistic home organiziation service in the Twin Cities
Leah Morris of Mindfully Minimized

I'm a Minnesota Mama of three little energetic girls. I have been married to my tall, handsome, and patient hubby since 2006.I listen to audio books when I run, refrained myself from daily mochas stops at Caribou to only on special occasions, and an optimist at heart with infectious positive energy brought into any environment – often times resulting into pouring tons of heart & hustle into my passions. This energy often leads to inaudible voice & text messages as I talk super fast and skip spell check when I am excited.


  • No, my kid's toys aren't perfectly organized.

  • No, my house isn't always tidy.

  • And nope, my refrigerator doesn't look like a rainbow.


Life can be a hectic, full time juggling act - work, kids, activities, home responsibilities - finding space is difficult. Living life at a fast pace comes with an accumulation of stuff that often ends up getting in our way, and distracts us from focusing our time on what matters most. It is OK to ask for help.


While I truly believe that fewer objects create more space in your life, I understand that we can't live the idyllic "Pinterest Perfect," no countertop clutter lifestyle.


However, I do know that with a little work, we can transform your home into something that's not only stunning , but also makes the rest of your life feel a little more spacious as well.


Declutter | Simplify | Organize | Downsize | Home Organizer |  Home Organizing | Clear Clutter | Clear the Chaos | Life Management | Kitchen Organization | Closet Organization |Marie Kondo | Lighten your LIfe


Helping others clear their clutter to live intentionally.  Decluttering is a total process and everyone is at a different stage. Building trust, meeting people were they are at, and ultimately helping them get where they want to go!  We get one chance at this life - let your light shine.


16+ years of business experience working for a Fortune 500 company.  Managing teams, driving productivity through holistic margin management, key strategic initiatives, and focused efforts around continuous improvement. Generating millions of dollars for corporate America I wanted to bring these skills into a more personal space. Helping people clear the clutter so they can focus on what they love.


Today with the  ability to purchase 'things' 24/7, the expecToday with the  ability to purchase 'things' 24/7, the expectation of instant gratification, and the super speed at which we include 'busy' in our lives is having an effect on each of us and in our communities. I am excited to leverage my skill to help people live their lives with more intention as they simplify their space bring wellness, harmony & sustainability. tation of instant gratification, and the super speed at which we include 'busy' in our lives is having an effect on each of us and in our communities. I am excited to leverage my skill to help people live their lives with more intention as they simplify their space bring wellness, harmony & sustainability. 

MIndfully Minimized Home Organization near me

Learn more about how we can help you be Mindfully Minimized

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