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Clutter Prevention

Written By: Leah Morris

Prevention is key. Over this past pandemic filled year we sure have witnessed the importance of prevention and containment to help prevent the spread of this awful virus.

Stopping something before it begins is the easiest way to lessen the impact or make sure it doesn't happens. It is harder to get it out once it is in - so you need to help mitigate the clutter up front - the impulse purchases, free gifts, good deals on products you normally don’t buy, free stuff on the curb, friends and family drop offs, and anything that you don’t need or love.

There are a few solutions to avoid this endless cycle of accumulation. First and foremost, we have to reset some of our habits. This involves acknowledging and setting limits. It might even include jump-starting your positive change by trying something new - examine your habits and get yourself back on track- why not try?

But beyond that, there are a few other tactics we can put into practice – to help prevent clutter from coming in our homes.

First off, you have to ask yourself some serious questions:

  • Why do I want to simplify my life?

  • What do I want my home to look like and feel like?

  • How do I want to live my life?

Knowing where you want to go and what you want to accomplish with decluttering is very important. What are you working toward? What do you want to do with your life when clutter isn’t taking up your time and energy?

Create a vision for yourself: How do you spend your evenings? What does your ideal home and life look like? How do you wake up? What do you do to fill your days? What does it look like when you have your dinner meal?

Having a clean picture of your ideal home and life is important to your decluttering journey. You need to have a goal to think about as you remove those bags and boxes from your home. Otherwise, what will prevent you from shopping at the thrift store and using your donation coupon when you drop those bags off?

"Decluttering is not the end result—it is merely the first step. You don’t become instantly happy and content by just getting rid of your stuff—at least not in the long run. Decluttering doesn’t work like that. If you simply embrace the what without the why, then you’ll get nowhere (slowly and painfully, by the way, repeatedly making the same mistakes). It is possible to get rid of everything you own and still be utterly miserable, to come home to your empty house and sulk after removing all your pacifiers." The Minimalists

Stop Shopping:

After all – if you don’t allow clutter to get past the front door and into your home in the first place. It’s all great and good to get rid of stuff, but if you turn around and go shopping for more stuff (even if you just pulled off a 30% coupon from your Kohl’s mailing), you’re just going to find yourself drowning in clutter again. Below are 2 types of clutter that may cause you to bring in clutter. Are either of these types trapping you?

  • Bargain Clutter - Just because something was on sale, or even free, doesn't mean you need to bring it into your home. If you’re never going to wear that lipstick or use that moisturizer is it really a bargain? Same goes for tag sale and estate sales shopping (typically referred to as “thrifting”). Even if you get something for a bargain price, doesn’t mean it’s a good deal for you if you’re never going to wear it or use it. Watch out for bargain clutter at tag sales, antique shops, in gift bags and swag bags and during sales. Come on do you really need that pen, water bottle or paperclip being handed out at the booths at the fair?

  • Abundance Clutter — Is stocking up your favorite weekend activity? Do you regularly buy new items in triplicate “just in case” you need it someday? You might be stocking up on abundance clutter if you keep large amounts of products around the house that go unused. Stocking up on items you know you’re going to use may be a good idea. Think bathroom supplies, toilet paper, paper towels, napkins, dish detergent, etc. But avoid “stocking up” on food, clothing, and decor. Your taste will change way too often to predict what you'll want to be eating and wearing months from now.We don’t live in the great depression. We have access to items within hours. (thanks Amazon, InstaCart, etc)

Opt Out of Unwanted Mail:

Yes, you can help stop your mail box from being full of junk mail. Here are a few ways.

More tips at:, search junk mail

Don’t live in Dakota county – check your County website for specific details in your area

"Clutter didn’t create itself. It’s there because you put it there. What habits do you have that created the clutter? Change those habits, one at a time." Zen Habits

Decluttering helps uncover details about who you are, the habits that keep you stuck, and your limiting beliefs. Once you’ve identified the story behind the stuff, you can confidently build the life you desire to lead.

So Mask Up and practice the above tactics to prevent clutter from coming into your life.

Need support creating space in your life for what matter? Mindfully Minimized can help you with your home organizational needs. Connect with us today we would love to help.

Founder & Chief Organizer @Mindfully Minimized

Mindfully Minimized is a holistic organizational solution company committed to helping people clear the clutter from their lives. Based in Minneapolis, Mindfully Minimized was founded by owner and chief organizer Leah Morris who works alongside her clients to help them with their challenging spaces to create a beautifully organized home focused around their intention. Leah is a professional organizer, decluttering expert, speaker & coach. She is committed to helping people declutter their lives to focus on what they love. With her passion for providing solutions to problems and serving others she is able to transform spaces to be more clam, purposeful, sustainable, and joyously livable. Check out her website or you can also follow her on Instagram or on facebook.


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