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GO Month: Get Organized & Be Productive

This year is the .......

beginning of a new decade.

year to get organized and be productive.

year to have the courage and discipline to eliminate the non-essentials.

year to achieve your highest potential.

year to maximize life = minimize stuff.

What a decade...

What an  abundant  decade we had.   We have more high-quality information and tools at our disposal than ever before in human history. However, we seem to be struggling more than ever achieve our highest potentional. Whether it’s a lofty goal like identifying our true calling or the mundane chore of working through our daily to-do list, we’re increasingly prone to jump from one shiny idea and distraction to another. All the while, time marches on, our aspirations remain unrealized, and our lives get filled with clutter.   This clutter is causing us decision fatigue and distracting us from our true potential. While the solution we so often reach for is MORE—MORE effort, MORE advice, MORE money, MORE schooling, MORE stuff. Let me tell you, it is tough not to give into the pressure to consume MORE - after all companies spend $140 billion annual on their marketing campaigns to encourage us we can't live without items.

What if we pause, breath, and think?

Over the holidays, during the 14 hour drive to Bozeman Montana I was read (actually listened on audible) to Essentialism: The Disciplined Pursuit of Less by Greg McKeown in which he argues that if we want to achieve our highest potential, we must embrace the systematic pursuit of less but better. One of the phrases that really stuck with me from this book was "if you don't prioritize your life someone else will." This simple sentence was super powerful and a great reminder how important prioritization is- not just at work but also in live. Before jumping into decluttering we must first define our priorities.

Once we sit down and decide what our priorities are, it makes it so much easier to decide what needs to be taken away/released/removed.


There are many wonderful people pursuing and promoting simplicity. Fortunately, some of them are gifted in communication and choose to encourage and inspire us with their words. I enjoy reading their perspective. I hope you will too.

Cutting out the noise and the non- essentials in life to focus on the essentials.

Delete it. | Jon Acuff’s Blog by Jon Acuff. What if we macheted our calendars until only the most important things remained? It’s possible. And more than that, it’s powerful.

Saying No is Really Saying Yes | Guy Named Dave by Sarah Chia. Sarah reminds us why priorities matter. And why saying no to one thing is the same as saying yes to another.

Get after it

This year is the beginning of a new decade. Get after your goals and prioritize your life.

Mindfully Minimized is here to help you with your organizational needs (and cheer you along every step of the way) while you discover the more of owning less. f you want to own less, but need a little help getting there, reach out for help. If you need help getting your physical health back in shape we hire a personal trainer for accountability, coaching, and encouragement. If you need help with your physical space and decluttering why not do the same?

You’ll clear the clutter, focus on what matters most in your life, and enjoy a renewed sense of clarity to ring in this new decade.

Ready to tackle 2020 and beyond?


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